London Architecture

Retail Price: £12.99

ISBN: 978-1-902910-64-2

This fully revised and updated edition of London Architecture takes the reader through almost 2000 years of architectural achievement in the capital. From the restored Roman Temple of Mithras, which has been returned to it’s original subterranean location below Foster’s Bloomberg London, the largest stone building in the City of London since St Paul’s Cathedral! The award winning sustainable building is the ‘greenest’ office in the world to date.

Each chapter contains readily accessible examples of buildings of every period and sets them in their historical context. This guide is the first to deal with the subject chronologically while also giving ideas about how to explore the Capital’s architecture. It will be of interest to any visitor to London with a fascination for architecture and history.

The book also includes nine fully described walks and easy to follow maps to accompany a saunter through the fascinating story of London’s architecture. Also featured are some of the many shops, bars and restaurants in London of architectural interest, and a chapter on Architecture With a View. A celebration of the city andthe architecture that shapes it – this guide an essential resource for both Londoners and visitors alike.

Format: 150mm x 150mm, 418pp, over 200 photos and area maps

Author: Marianne Butler


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